With the Government of India allowing the gradual reopening of all organisations and services, the threat of COVID19 spreading is at an all time high. Here are some simple steps which will go a long way to protect you and your near and dear ones from this deadly virus.
Dr. Arnab Kalita, M.B.B.S. , M.S. in E.N.T. and currently working as a Senior Resident in Tezpur Medical College Hospital talks to Discover East about safety measures for COVID19 .
Here are 25 very simple steps for everyone’s safety.
- 20 Second Hand wash : Properly washing your hands is the first step for your safety. During to course of the day, we touch thousands of things and each has a possibility of spreading the virus. So lets make a habit to properly wash our hands properly with soap every hour or two.
- Use of Masks : Mask will prevent the direct entry of the virus into your body from the air. So even if it is not comfortable initially, make it a habit to use it.
- Use of Sanitizers : We should all make a habit to use sanitizers at regular intervals. Specially so when hand wash is not available.

- Maintain Social Distancing : Social distancing is something that we Indians need to practice today. Standing or sitting too close increases chances of infection manifold.
- Avoid Unnecessary Gatherings : Social Gatherings should be avoided at all costs. And if impossible to avoid, make sure to make the group as small as possible and follow all safety norms.
- Do not go out Unnecessarily : Going out of your home or office just to take a breath of fresh air comes with risk. So be careful about how you want to use your break.
- Do not touch any surface unnecessarily : Our hands instinctively try to catch gates, railings, handles , tables etc. This is what we need to control.
- Stop rubbing your nose, mouth and eyes. Another human instinct is to rub our nose, mouth, eyes and other parts of the face without any actual reason. This too has to be controlled.
- Proper disposal of masks, gloves etc. : If you wear disposable masks and gloves, make sure to dispose them off properly after use.

- Sanitation of reusable masks, dresses etc : If reusable masks, dresses etc. are used, make sure to sanitize or wash them properly after each use.
- Washing eatables brought from market : Every time you buy fruits, vegetables etc from the market, make it a habit to wash it properly even before it goes into your kitchen.
- Sanitation of packages : If you are ordering anything from online store, make sure to sanitize the package even before opening it. Also be careful not to touch the products inside if they are not properly sealed.
- Wash hands properly before entering your home : Everyone needs to travel to various places for work or studies. Make it a habit to wash your hands thoroughly when you get back home. Preferably even before entering for the safety of your family.
- Wash clothes : Try to wash your clothes every time you return from a crowded place or travel by a crowded transport.
- Clean frequently touched areas : Frequently touched areas like lift buttons, railings of staircases, reception tables etc. must be sanitized at regular intervals.
- Disinfect phones/keys/wallets : Use alcohol based hand rub to sanitize the exteriors of your digital devices and other personal belongings.
- Sanitize steering/gear/handbrakes : If you drive your own vehicle to and fro office, make it a habit to sanitize the frequently touched parts. These include steering , gear lever , handbrakes, door handles etc.
- Minimize outside food : Outside food is very tasty and attractive, but also has serious risks attached at every level. So its suggested to cut down on that till the situations improve.
- Properly cook : Cooking your food properly, specially non vegetarian items is a necessary habit for everyone’s safety. Under-cooked or uncooked ingredients can lead to various infections.

How to maintain safety in the pandemic
- Contact doctor if unwell : If you are not feeling well, have fever/body ache/nausea etc., contact a doctor immediately .
- Report ill people : Convince people to visit a doctor and take a test if they are feeling unwell. If they are unwilling to do so, please let the authorities know. They might be very close to you, but its not worthy to put everyone’s safety at risk.
- Eat immunity boasting food : Consume a lot of immunity boosters like fresh fruits and leafy vegetables. Since there is no vaccine yet for COVID19 , your immunity is the only thing that can grant safety.
- Cover face while sneezing or coughing : This is another habit that everyone should practice. Its not only bad manners, but also very unhealthy to sneeze or cough without covering.
- Less consumption of harmful substances : Narcotics bring down your immunity. So cut down on your consumption if you cannot stop it completely.
- Encourage others to follow the same steps : Finally its important that everyone follows these steps for complete safety. So please encourage people to follow these simple steps and ensure the safety of everyone.
Also read about Mental Health during Covid-19 pandemic and necessary steps to be taken to avoid them by Dr. Abhilekh Das in Discover East.
(Feature image source: kuer90.1)