Archeologists Uncovered a 2000 Year Old Street Food Stall in Pompeii

In a recent development, Archaeologists in Pompeii have unearthed a food and drinks shop that is believed to have served as a fast food shop in the ancient times.

In those times it was known as a termopolium (Latin for hot drinks counter) which was very popular in the Roman world. Pompeii alone had 80 of them.

It was discovered on saturday in the archaeological park’s Regio V site. The site has not been opened for public yet. As per reports, traces of food, which is believed to be of 2000 year old, have been found on some of the terra cotta jars including traces of pork, fish, snails and beef.

The food counter was decorated with colourful frescoes portraying animals which are believed to indicate the food sold on the shop such as chickens and ducks etc.

“This is an extraordinary find. It’s the first time we are excavating an entire termopolium,” said Massimo Ossana, director of the Pompeii archaeological park. A decorated bronze drinking bowl which used to be known as patera. This utensil was used for cooking stews and soups.

The city was buried in a volcanic eruption in 79 AD. The discovery could provide valuable information about the food habits of people in the ancient time.

“This is an extraordinary find. It’s the first time we are excavating an entire thermopolium,” said Massimo Ossana, director of the Pompeii archaeological park.

(Feature image source: CNN)