
Biswanath District of Assam puts a ban on Pork Sale

All forms of sale, transport or exhibition of pigs and pork has been put on a complete halt in the Biswanath District of Assam. This step has been taken in view of the multiple cases of African Swine Flu being detected in the district.

Pigs in multiple locations in the district have been tested positive for the African Swine Flu. So the whole district has been declared as a containment zone. This aims at the prevention of any spread of this sickness to the animals of nearly regions. Declaring the district under containment means there shall not be any sale of pigs in the area. Be it in the live form or in the form of pork meat. All kinds of pig rearing, animal exhibition, animals show involving pigs are also banned till further notice. Sale of pork is also banned in local weekly or monthly markets.

Carrying live pigs, carcasses, pig feed or any other items by any roadways or railway transportation is also banned in the containment areas. This will remain in force until the issuance of sanitization certificate is issued by the competent veterinary authority.

The Majuli District authorities had put a similar ban earlier this year.

Featured image courtesy : Worldanimalprotection.org .