Man Eats Entire Restaurant Menu in 1 hour to Raise Funds

Once Joker said, “If you are good at something, never do it for free.”
But, what if you are good at just Eating? Well, a man eats the entire menu of a restaurant for free and used his eating skills for a noble cause in England.

Kyle Gibson is a competitive Eater from Sunderland, England who currently holds the top rank in British Eating League. He has aced several ‘Man vs Food’ style challenges to be at this spot.

Recently, Gibson took another huge eating challenge to raise fund for a food bank. The challenge was to eat the entire menu of a restaurant.

Kyle Gibson with the entire restaurant menu
Kyle Gibson with the entire restaurant menu

Happily taking the challenge, 22 year old Gibson gobbled a large menu of the restaurant including eight burgers, four hot dogs, two portions of fries, two veggie sandwiches, a grilled cheese sandwich, a BLT, two milkshakes and a couple of refill drinks. And the man eats all of these in just about an hour.

By accomplishing this feat he raised £400 for Newcastle West End Foodbank out of which he donated £100 worth of food to the charity.

“I love doing crazy stuff like this but I do realize that there are people out there who really can’t afford food, who are in bad situations and generally need help and rely on places like food banks in order to feed their families. This is why I’m donating money and food to the Newcastle West End Foodbank”, said Kyle in a report.

Along with the money and love, Gibson did gain some calories as well. However, he reveals that he takes very good care of his health. On regular days, his diets include plenty of fruits and veggies. He also cuts down the calories by doing workouts and riding bicycle.

(Feature image source: Hot 107.9)