Mishri Replaces Jaggery in Delhi’s SNF Menu

Delhi govt has made a slight change in the menu of the Supplementary Nutrition Food (SNF) for children and pregnant and lactating women by replacing jaggery with mishri .This new menu will be distributed from the next summer season i.e May, June, July 2021.

The decision for this change was taken owing to certain feedback that jaggery would melt during summer and develop bacteria. Hence, in order to keep the food dry as well as healthy, this change in the menu was made as said by Women and Child Development (WCD) Minister Rajendra Pal Gautam said.

The Minister further added that this will continue till the present SNF menu exists. However, the quantity of Mishri would be decided by the department depending on the requirement.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the functioning of the Anganwadi centers were suspended in the first week of March. However, it was renewed in the same month to ensure supply of regular supplements (panjiri/ paushtik laddoo) to the beneficiaries in the national capital.

In the revised Supplementary Nutrition Food menu from May 2020, the laddoo was replaced with wheat dalia, raw black chana, jaggery and roasted black gram in different quantities for different types of beneficiaries.

(Feature image source: PMR Press Release)