Poshan Rangolis Created to Raise Awareness on Nutrition

In a bid to spread awareness on the importance of nutrition, Anganwadi centres of Balodabazar Chattisgarh created Rangolis using nutritious food. These ‘Poshan Rangolis’ were created using nutrient enriched vegetables and fruits.

With this initiative, the teams aim to encourage people to include nutritious food items in their regular diet routine.

The Anganwadi centres also conducted plantation drives by planting plants bearing nutritious food. The drive was conducted in rural areas so that locals can make use of it.

The month of September is celebrated as the ‘ Rashtriya Poshan Maah’ or National Nutrition month across the country under the mission Poshan Abhiyaan. Poshan Abhiyaan is a multi- ministerial convergence mission launched by Government of India to address malnutrition in a targeted approach.

Earlier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged the citizens to actively take part in this nutrition month and informed that different initiatives would be taken to spread the awareness.

Aligning with Modi’s vision, a nationwide public health awareness initiative, Right to Protein, recently launched a platform known as Protein Report Card. Through this, citizens can self-assess and develop their nutritional consumption. Through this process, people will be know and understand if their protein intake is sufficient or not. 

As it is the nutrition month, do read about Vitamin-C enriched foods of Northeast India to improve your immunity.