Restaurants in Guwahati Permitted to Open on Both Sides of Street

Restaurants and other Hospitality services in Kamrup Metropolitan District have been allowed to function from Monday to Friday on both sides of the streets on delivery and takeaway basis. It also allowed the functioning of online home delivery services of cooked food business like cloud kitchens.

The clarification was issued in a statement by the district on Tuesday.

Order Copy for reopening restaurants.
Order Copy for reopening restaurants.

In a previous order, the state government had allowed the opening of all business of Guwahati on a one-side alternate day basis. This meant that if the shops on the right side of the road are open on Monday , then those on left side will remain closed. On Tuesday the those on the left will open and the ones on the right shall remain closed.

As per the guidelines of Unlock 1.0 released by Assam Chief Secretary Kumar Sanjay Krishna on Saturday many activities have been allowed to operate in a restricted manner.

The Food and Hospitality sector is one of the worst hit industries of the city during this Covid – 19 induced lockdown period. The pause in business has caused the loss of employment of thousands of people in the city itself. And this step is expected to save many businesses from going bankrupt.

(Feature image source: New Indian Express)