Save Water

Simple Ways to Save Water – World Water Day

World Water Day is celebrated across the world on the 22nd of March. Member nations host this event under the banners of the United Nations. The core idea behind the event is to save water which is necessary to sustain life on earth.

Although water forms a huge majority of the surface of the earth, the amount of drinkable water is hardly 1 -2 % of all the water on the planet. On the occasion of World Water Day, Team Discover East brings to you a few simple and cheap ways to save water.

1. No Loose Fitting

One of biggest causes of water loss is loose piping and fittings. Humans waste lakhs of litres of water every day across the world due to negligence in both domestic and commercial sectors.

2. Recycle and Reuse

Since the amount of potable ground water is very limited, the available amount should be used very judiciously. Water generated after washing and cleaning in the kitchen can be reused for watering kitchen gardens and other washing purposes. Modern science has even found ways to clean sewage water and make it fit for washing puposes.

3. Rain Water Harvesting

Rain water is one of sources of clean water which can be used for many day-to-day human needs. Harvesting and conserving this water will go a long way to reduce the current load on the ground water of the planet.

$. Reduce Wastage of Food

Cooking and preparation of food calls for the greatest consumption of clean potable water. So wastage of food means wastage of water as well. Here are few easy hacks to reduce food wastage.

4. Replenishing Ground Water

This is a way of giving back the water that we take from the water table, atleast partially. The simplest way to do this is to dig wells and divert rain water to these wells. The water will slowly filter through the layers of sand and stone to ultimately reach the ground water.

These are only a few easy ways to save water which almost everyone can practice. These small steps will go a long way in saving whatever water is there.