To Eat Out, or not to Eat Out is the Question

Who would have thought that some day you would have to think a hundred times before eating in a restaurant with your family or friends. The COVID-19 pandemic has put most of us in a dilemma whether to eat outside or not.

The commencement of the nationwide lock down from 25th March locked the doors of our favorite restaurants across the country. Gradually, with each phase of lock down, some relaxations were provided to the food businesses. As per the latest guidelines, all restaurants are allowed to operate from 8th June.

Now the opening of all food outlets from tomorrow with the deadly virus still in the air, have put us in a ‘Shakesperean’ pickle- To Eat or Not Eat, that is the question! So on the occasion of World Food Safety Day, we asked people about their opinion on eating out.

Public Opinion about Eat Out vs Stay at Home

To know about the public opinion on this, Guwahati Foodie, the largest online food community of the region with more than 1,00,000 members, created a poll on Sunday in their Facebook Group. In the poll, the members were asked to vote if they would prefer eating out.

Poll results of dine in vs take away vs home made
Poll results of dine in vs take away vs home made

The online poll revealed that a majority of people are willing to get food delivered. While the minority prefers dining in eateries. A large number of people are also not willing to dine out owing to the risks of going outside.

According to WHO it is highly unlikely that people can contract COVID-19 from food or food packaging. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness and the primary transmission route is through person-to- person contact and through direct contact with respiratory droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

“There is no evidence of viruses that cause respiratory illnesses being transmitted via food or food packaging. Coronaviruses cannot multiply in food; they need an animal or human host to multiply”, stated by WHO in a report.

Steps taken by Eatery Owners

Owing to the gradual opening of eateries in the second phase of Unlock 1, A list of SOP was given. We talked to one of the owners of Fat Belly. Which happens to be one of largest restaurant chains of the region. He mentions that the chain is taking the following steps to enforce safety from COVID 19 for their dine in customers.

Fat belly
Fat belly
  1. All patrons will be screened through temperature checks.
  2. Only asymptomatic patrons will be allowed to dine in.
  3. Temperature check of all employees are done at regular intervals.
  4. Minimum distance of six feet from the patrons will be maintained as far as feasible.
  5. All stewards will wear face shield, face mask and gloves.
  6. At no point of time, patrons will be allowed to sit and eat if the seating area is occupied with 50% capacity.
  7. Patrons without a mask will not be allowed to dine in.
  8. Customers will be encouraged to share contact details for further communication.
  9. Patrons may opt to use disposable cutlery.
  10. Tables will be sanitized each time a customer leaves.
  11. The entire restaurant premise will be sanitized at regular intervals.
  12. Only packaged drinking water will be served as per M.R.P. and no glasses will be served.
  13. Patrons may opt to use disposable glass.
  14. Drinking water purchased or brought from outside will be allowed.
  15. Aerated Drinks will only be served in sealed bottle as per M.R.P.
  16. Prepared food will only be kept on the table and will not be served on individual serving plates of the patrons.

With the eatery owners trying hard to get their business back on track after almost 2 months of closure, we eagerly wait for what the customers’ decision.

(Feature Image template source: Translate Media)