The winners of the Durga Puja Food Photography Contest organized by Guwahati Foodie were felicitated on Sunday at Spice Symphony Restaurant on the 1st of November.
On the auspicious occasion of Durga Puja, Guwahati Foodie, one of the largest and most active online food community in the Northeast, organized a Durga Puja special Food Photography Contest. The main aim of the contest was to showcase the festive feelings of Durga Puja through food.

Admin and founder of Guwahati Foodie, Sisir Kumar said that this time the contest saw a huge participation. “There were so many remarkable entries that it became really difficult for us to choose just three winners. So many of the contestants had excellent presentation, but we had to give more weightage to the theme.“, said Sisir.
The winners of the Durga Puja contest Hemi S, Dipsikha Borah and Digdarsikha Thakuria were selected by the jury based on their submissions.
Certificates, mementos and gifts were given to all the winners. The felicitation was also followed by an excellent Thai lunch hosted by the Spice Symphony Restaurant.
Guwahari Foodie had also organized an Ethnic Food Photography contest on the occasion of the World Food Day. Read more about it here.