COPAL-19 : Mobile App to Track Plasma Donors Launched

With a view to track willing plasma donors, a mobile application was launched on Wednesday in Delhi. The app COPAL-19 was launched on the occasion of National Doctors Day.

COPAL-19 has been developed by Dr. Abhinav Singh and his his team with the help of IIT-Delhi students. The app is equipped to track discharged patients of AIIMS who can be potential plasma donors.

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It keeps data of all the Covid-19 recovered patients along with ones who are undergoing treatment at AIIMS. The blood groups of the patients are also recorded in the app to ensure a hassle free searching.

The COPAL-19 app is available for AIIMS patients for now. It will be made available to all soon. So far, 70 blood donors have been arranged through this app, informed Dr. Singh.

Read more about Plasma Therapy and its implications in this article. Also read about the India’s First Plasma Bank .

(Feature image source: Appian)