#Unmute – An initiative towards good Mental Health

Mental health is one of the biggest concerns of the modern day. The hectic lifestyle, lack of physical and mental rest and socio – economic causes have often pushed man over the edge of sanity. The global pandemic further aggravated this problem. So Iscah Wellness, Discover East, The FERNS Society and Guwahati Foodie came together to make a Web Series titled Unmute as an initiative towards good mental health.

The Covid – 19 global pandemic has caused damages beyond physical health. The continuous lockdowns, sudden changes in lifestyle , loss of jobs etc. has caused mental stress to a large section of public. Stress, fear, heartbreak etc. are on the rise during these days. And to address these problems and take proper measures, the video series Unmute was created.

#Unmute Poster
#Unmute Poster

The biggest problem in our country is the lack of proper knowledge of these problems. Unmute aims to create an awareness of the common mental issues, specially during this period. Thereby, easing the diagnostics and treatment. Unmute also tries to break the social stigma associated with mental health.

Unmute Trailer

Pilot for #Unmute

Unmute is an initiative by Iscah Wellness, a team of trained and and experienced mental health professionals and The FERNS Society. It is an non government organisation based in Guwahati working in multiple domains. The series is powered by Guwahati Foodie, one of the largest food related communities of the region and Discover East is the Online partner.

Facebook : bit.ly/2WVekxW
Instagram : bit.ly/303tqnk
YouTube : bit.ly/2ZYi2J8
Twitter : bit.ly/338V4kP

The videos of the #Unmute series will be available on the above mentioned domains. Do share them if you think that it might be helpful to someone you know. Also feel free to share your suggestions/ feedbacks etc. to ghyfoodie@gmail.com . The series goes live from the 1st of August, 2020 across the above mentioned platforms.