Ambubachi Mela 2024: Nibriti tonight at Maa Kamakhya Temple

Guwahati: The Ambubachi Mela, a unique festival celebrated at the Kamakhya Temple in Guwahati, Assam, culminates in a grand reopening ceremony called Nibriti. This year, Nibriti will take place at 9: 07 PM on 25 June, marking the end of the monsoon’s arrival and the return to normalcy after a period of reverence for the Goddess Kamakhya. But devotees will be entering the temple on the morning of June 26.

Symbolic Closure and Purification

The core rituals of Nibriti revolve around the symbolic closure of the temple during the first three days of Ambubachi. This period signifies the menstruation cycle of the Goddess Kamakhya. During this time, devotees observe a period of restraint. Religious activities like pujas and even studying religious texts are put on hold. The temple itself undergoes a thorough cleaning and purification process.

The Grand Reopening

On the fourth day, Nibriti commences with a flurry of activity. Priests perform special rituals to cleanse and re-energize the temple premises. This often includes the Mahasnan, a ritualistic bath of the deity using offerings like Panchagavya. Only after this completion of these rituals, devotes are allowed to enter the temple premises.

Welcoming Devotees Back

The highlight of Nibriti is the grand reopening of the Kamakhya Temple doors. This is a much-anticipated event, attracting a large number of devotees eager to seek blessings and participate in the renewed spiritual atmosphere. Following the reopening, offerings of Angodak (water from the temple spring) and Angavastra (red cloth) are distributed as Prasad, symbolizing the divine grace of the Goddess.

A Celebration of Renewal

Nibriti signifies not only the return to normalcy but also a celebration of the renewed fertility of the earth brought about by the monsoon rains. It’s a time for devotees to recommit themselves to their spiritual practices and express gratitude to the divine feminine.

Witnessing Nibriti

One can witness the rituals of Nibriti by visiting the temple premises on the mentioned date. Also, it is very important to follow the regulations issued by the authorities with regard to the movement of pilgrims and vehicles. While witnessing the grand reopening ceremony can be a powerful experience, devotees must remember that large crowds are expected. Necessary planning must be done accordingly.

Feature Image Courtesy: Abhijit Bose.

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