MHA Announces Guidelines for Lockdown 4.0

Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on Sunday announced the extension of nationwide lockdown till 31st May marking the beginning of the 4th phase of lockdown in India.

Here are some of the important guidelines issued by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on measures to be taken by Ministries/Departments of Government of India, State Governments/UT Governments & State/UT authorities for containment of COVID19 for Lockdown 4.0.

The delineation of red, green, and orange zones will be decided by the respective State/Union Territory governments, after taking into consideration the parameters shared by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare .All domestic and international air travel of passengers, except for domestic medical services, domestic air ambulance and for security purposes or purposes as permitted by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to remain prohibited throughout the country.

Sports complexes and stadiums will be permitted to open; however, spectators will not be allowed. With a view to ensuring safety in offices and workplaces, employers on best effort basis should ensure that Arogya Setu is installed by all employees having compatible mobile phones.

All other activities will be permitted except those which are specifically prohibited under these guidelines. However, in containment zones, only essential activities shall be allowed, as mentioned earlier State/UT Governments shall not dilute the lockdown guidelines issued under the Disaster Management Act 2005, in any manner.

During the extended Lockdown 4.0 till 31st May, the night curfew shall continue to remain in force on the movement of individuals, for all non-essential activities, between 7 pm and 7 am. People above 65 years of age, persons with co-morbidity, pregnant women, and children below the age of 10 years, shall stay at home till 31st May, except for essential and health purposes. All cinema halls, shopping malls, gymnasiums, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theaters, bars and auditoriums, assembly halls and similar places, shall continue to remain closed throughout the country till 31st May