Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Sunday shared a picture of samosas prepared by him wishing to share the snack with Narendra Modi.
Scott Morrison tried his hands on making the popular Indian snack samosa and took to twitter to give people a glimpse of his ‘culinary side’. He named the dish ‘ScoMosas’ which is a combination of his own name and the snack he prepared. He also prepared a mango chutney to go with the snack.

Replying to Morrison’s tweet, Modi complimented the Australian PM saying that the samosas looked delicious. He also expressed his desire to enjoy the snack together once they succeed in defeating this global pandemic.
“Connected by the Indian Ocean, united by the Indian Samosa”, responded Modi to Morrison’s tweet.

Morrison has a virtual meeting with Narendra Modi on June 4. He expresses his regret in tweet for the fact the he won’t be able to meet Modi in person. Modi, in his tweet said that he too, is looking forward to the meeting.