National Selfie Day – What’s Your Favourite Selfie Style?

Selfies have become the order of the day. Whether it’s your big day or you just got fired, people take selfies for every possible occasion.

Selfie is defined by as “a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website“. It was named as word of the year in 2013 by Oxford Dictionaries.

Although people don’t need a specific day to celebrate selfies yet 21st June is observed as the National Selfie Day. Pout is old-school. Now there are sundry ways of posing for a selfie. On this occasion, let’s explore some different types of selfies are trending on social media platforms.

On National Selfie Day, let Explore some of its Types

  1. Fish Gape Selfie
Fish Gape Selfie : Selfie Day
Source: Yahoo

It is basically a neutral face with a slight gap between your lips. You need to do some subtle teeth show to get this selfie. This type of selfie gives out a sultry and bold look. It’s a perfect match for a smokey eye and nude lip look. It also give a supermodel kind of vibe

  1. Smize Selfie
Smize Selfie : Selfie Day

It’s something between smiling and not smiling with some alluring expression of eyes. Your eyes have to smile with a slightly raised eyebrows. “Smize” as a word first came into existence in 2009, when Tyra Banks introduced the term on cycle 13 of America’s Next Top Model. While that was technically before social media really took off, the smize was a starting point for the average, non-model person to suddenly become aware of controlling the way her face looks in pictures. 

  1. Duck Face
Duck Face
Source: The Fashion Spot

It is basically a pout with cheeks slightly sucked in. Oxford Dictionaries added “duck face” as a new word in 2014 to their list of current and modern words, but it has not been added to the Oxford English Dictionary. A 2015 study found that people posting duck face pictures are more likely to be associated with neuroticism. If this face is not properly done, you might end up looking really weird. Do some practice in front of the mirror.

  1. Selfie with Food
Selfie with Food
Source: e27

Eating is currently in trend. There was a time when people used to shy away from being captured while eating in a family function wedding. Time has changed. Now, people want to flaunt what they are eating. Selfies with food are a very common sight in social media. Whether you are holding a food item, eating it or sitting next to a plate- anything can be an appetizing selfie if captured properly.

  1. Mask Selfie
Mask Selfie
Source: University of Maine System

Another type of selfie that is viral on social media is the selfie with masks. With the outbreak of Covid-19, masks have been mandated in several parts of the world. In India it is mandatory to wear masks in public places. So, how come the selfie lovers not take this as an opportunity to pose with their masks. Even though you will be showing your masks, the eyes shall still play a major role. Don’t forget to play with your eyes while taking a mask selfie.

(Feature image source: LA Parent)