World Drug Day : Better Knowledge for Better Care

World Drug Day is more well known as the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. The United Nations organize it on the 26th of June under Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). And the theme for 2020 is Better Knowledge for Better Care.

On the 7th December of 1987, the General Assembly of the United Nations passed a resolution. And this resolution decided the date of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. This was a concrete step towards stringent action and international co-operation in achieving a drug-free world.

The United Nations Office in Drugs and Crime aims to work with the member nations to address the drug problem worldwide. A balanced and evidence based implementation to solve both demand and supply with human rights and international drug laws in consideration is the necessity.


The issue isn’t just about confiscating and destroying drugs, but also the rehabilitation of the poor farmers and others involved in various steps of the drugs business. The approach of control involves treatment, support and rehabilitation of the people involved. And the World Drug Day aims to popularize these efforts.

World Drug Day and India

As a developing nation, India faces a lot of problems and drug abuse is one of the most prominent. Alcohol is followed by cannabis, heroin and opium are the most abused drugs in the country. Maharashtra tops in alcohol, Uttar Pradesh in Cannabis and Heroine and Punjab in Opium among the states of India according to this report of the UN.

Indian Law provides for the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act of 1985 to prevent such activities.

Also read this article by Advocate Subhalaxmi Chakravarty about the provisions of the NDPS Act of 1985 in Discover East.

(Feature image source: Deccan Herald)