World Zoonoses Day : Need of Safe Food

A zoonosis is any disease or infection that is naturally transmissible from others animals to humans. Animals, domestic or wild, play an essential role in maintaining zoonotic infections in nature. The World Zoonoses Day is even more important in modern times because of the ongoing Corona Virus pandemic. Many researches worldwide believe that it came from the wild animals sold in the wet markets of China.

Zoonoses may be bacterial, viral, or parasitic, or may involve unconventional agents. Zoonoses increase the safety issues on the food from animal origin manifold. It also puts serious obstacles in food safety and international trade in food.

Common Zoonotic Infections on World Zoonoses Day.

  • Covid -19
  • Anthrax
  • Bird Flu
  • Leprosy
  • Influenza
  • Rabies
  • Swine Flu
  • HIV
  • Nipah Virus
  • Japanese Encephalitis

Causes of Zoonotic Infections.

  1. Contamination of food and water supplies is the most common cause of infections. It is specially complicated when the food or water comes from un-monitored sources. eg. E. Coli and Salmonella.
  2. Farming, Ranching and Animal Husbandry are also major concerns for such infections, specially in developing and under-developed countries of the world. eg. Swine Flu and Bird Flu.
  3. Wild Animal Attacks also spread Zoonotic infections. eg. rabies.
  4. Insect Vector Diseases are very common in the equatorial region of the planet. Due to the rapid growth and quick propagation, these infections spread quickly. eg. Japanese Encephalitis and Zika Fever.
  5. Pets can also carry and cause a variety of infections if not vaccinated properly. So proper care must be taken required if there are pets at home. eg. Rabies and Ringworm.
  6. Hunting and Bush-meat Are the sources of some of the most notorious infections. Because of lack of proper processing / cooking etc ., these cause problems to lots of people. eg. Covid -19, HIV and SARS.

Also reads about  Five Keys for Safer Aquaculture Products and Five Keys for Safer Food issued by the WHO and FAO on the occasion of World Food Safety Day in Discover East.

(Feature image source: Good Housekeeping)