2nd Edition of Nirbaak published from Guwahati

Nirbaak, a tabloid exclusively dedicated to the art of mime. And the second version of the Nirbaak was published from Guwahati today. The launch event took place in the historic Bishu Nirmala Bhavan near Latasil. This edition of the tabloid has writeups regarding the art of mime and from mime artists.

Mime is a form of performance art that involves one or more artists. The key is that no works are spoken during the performance. It is a very old form of art dating to ancient Greece. The modern form of mime originated somewhere in Medieval Europe. The idea is generally to tell a story to the audience. Facial expressions and body motions are the most important part of mime.

This tabloid is the brainchild of Minangka Deka, one of the youngest among the popular mime artists of Assam. He is widely known for this use of mime to spread awareness on socially important topics. Awareness campaigns to promote the wearing of masks and against spitting in public places were some of the campaigns. He is also instrumental in the protection of the Deepor Beel Bird Sanctuary.

Speaking on the launch, Manabendra Ranhang Choudhury, noted theater producer and the organizer of the Adingiri Theater Festival mentioned the importance of different forms of performance arts. He also talked about how they help in the growth and development of the people and society.