Man tests COVID+ after a Jackfruit falls on his Head

In an unusual incident, a man in Kerala tested positive for COVID19 after a jackfruit fell on his head.

According to a report, the man, an Auto-Rickshaw driver, in Kasaragod of Kerala was trying to pluck a jackfruit when it fell on his head.

He was admitted to a hospital after the incident. The ‘unusual fall’ injured his spine and a surgery was prescribed.

As per the protocol of the hospital, his COVID test was done before the surgery. The result came out positive which was confirmed by Dr K Sudeep, superintendent of the Pariyaram Medical College in Kannur, reported The Indian Express.

The source of the contraction is not clear yet as the patient has no travel history. However, there are chances that he contracted the virus from one of his passengers.

So far, Kerala has reported more than 700 confirmed cases of COVID19 including 4 deaths.