Cheetah get reintroduced in Indian Forests

Cheetah is the fastest and one of the most exotic members of the cat family. And it made a grand reentry today to the fauna our nation after an absence of seventy years.

The cheetah was once found in abundance in the Indian subcontinent. But with hunting, specially during the British Era, the numbers went down drastically. But gradual deforestation was the final reason for the problem. And with the loss of its natural habitat as well as its food, these beautiful cats gradually died out. With the death of the last known wild population, the Indian Cheetah was declared extinct from in the year 1952.

In a major step towards conservation of nature and wildlife, a major step was taken by the Indian Government. On the occasion of the completion of the seventy five years of independence, India has decided to bring back this cat to the jungles of the country. To that end, a batch of these animals from Namibia have been transferred to the India. They were released in the Kuno National Park, located the state of Madhya Pradesh. According to reports, the region suits the requirements and natural habitats of the transferred animals. The batch comprises of five females and three males, bringing the total number to eight.