Saplings in a paper bag- A perfect gift

The Ferns Society aims to Plant 120000 Saplings this Environment Day

People across the globe celebrate the 5th of June as the World Environment Day. And this year’s theme is ecosystem restoration. With this year’s host country selected as Pakistan, the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration 2021 – 2013 program will also be launched on the 5th.

The Ferns Society is a Non Government Organisation based in Guwahati. It works mainly for the relief and rehabilitation purposes across the state. Apart from multiple flood relief operations, Ferns Society also undertook covid relief runs last year. Apart from relief, this NGO also encourages people to plant more trees. As a measure to promote plantation and urban afforestation, the Ferns Society distributes saplings to public on various occasions.

On this World Environment Day, they aim to plant 1,20,000 saplings with Guwahati Foodie . Guwahati Foodie is one of the biggest food related communities of the region with more than 120k members and it is supporting this initiative of plantation. They have requested all the members to plant one sapling each on the day and upload a picture on social media. Calling it the #120saplings project, this idea can definitely increase the number of trees across the planet.

Previous year’s environment day saw them distributing saplings among the on – duty police personnel across the city. It was a way to show gratitude towards these hard working front-line workers even during the pandemic. This years project aligns with the theme of ecosystem restoration and ask for the support of everyone.