
World Oceans Day : Innovations for a Sustainable Ocean

World Ocean Day is celebrated under the headers of the United Nations on the 8th of June. This event is hosted in order to emphasize and publicize the importance of seas and oceans on the planet. This year’s theme for the event is Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean .

The Global Forum first declared Oceans Day as June 8th 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. General Assembly resolved that June 8th would be celebrated by the United Nations as World Oceans Day.

Oceans cover approximately 70% of the earth’s surface and contain more than 95% of the world’s water. They also contain a majority of the world’s life forms. The bulk of the life forms on this planet are dependent directly on indirectly on Oceans for sustaining life.

World Ocean Day
World Ocean Day

On the occasion of World Ocean Day, we try to bring to you a few simple tips to save the oceans from further damage.

  1. Reduce use of Plastics : Single use plastics in any form ranging from straws to carry bags etc. are often thrown out without proper disposal methods. After passing through various water bodies, they end up in the oceans. These cause a lot of issues to health of marine creatures.
  2. Control Global Warming : Our day to day luxuries greatly contribute to the rising temperatures. This leads to more melting of polar ice caps causing oceans to be inversely effected.
  3. Garbage Disposal : One should be very careful about how they dispose items which take a long time to degrade. Often we have seen glass bottles and other products washing off on beautiful beaches. These also cause injuries and death to marine animals.
  4. Scientific Methods of Fishing : Modern Scientific methods of fishing should be made compulsory in order to prevent irreparable damage to the ecosystem.
  5. Save Corals : Coral reefs are exploited for multiple reasons for their beauty. But they are also very important in maintaining the balance in ocean environment. So proper care must be taken not to harm them by human activities.

These were few simple points to help save the oceans on World Ocean Day

(Feature image source: sutori.com)