11th Edition of Chandubi Festival Draws to an End

Chandubi Festival, the four day grand celebration on the banks of the Chandubi Lake comes to an end on the evening of the 4th of January, 2021.

The 11th version of the festival was kicked off on the 1st of January. Keeping the ongoing Covid situation in mind, this version of the Chandubi Festival was hosted for 4 days instead of the usual 5 days.

Earthen lamps lighted to offer prayers
Earthen lamps lighted to offer prayers

Proper precautions like hand sanitization and temperature checks were also done in the event venue.

The event had several sections for different purposes. The open market place enabled the buying and selling of both local products and those from outside.

The food and beverages section catered to needs of guests and visitors alike by providing a taste of local cuisines. Local produce like rice, fruits, vegetables, pickles , honey, etc.was also sold in this section.

The most important section was however the cultural showcase. It had a vast array of exhibits ranging from bamboo, wood and tree shrub carvings  to hand dyed fabric and clothes. Real life models of the traditional houses of the local people were also created and exhibited in the Chandubi Festival. Traditional dance and music was also showcased on the cultural stage.

The bonfire

The Festival saw the reveal and launch of the latest version of the annual magazine Lokeia of the event.

The closing ceremony consisted of the traditional prayers to the Hindu God Shiva. Offering of traditional rice beer prepared according to the Rabha ways was made. This was followed by the lighting of the campfire by the dignitaries.

The lighting of the campfire kicked off the start of the singing and dancing around the campfire. Started by the local young boys and girls, the dignitaries also joined in. Other guests also joined in thereafter and the event went on for quite some time.

Watch the video the ceremony here.