The Government of Assam has issued a new set of Standard Operating Procedures in view of the rising number of COVID-19 positive cases across the country. The curfew hours are now 10 PM to 6 AM every night.

All offices and business establishments must close by 9 PM. Food takeaway is allowed till 10 PM but delivery services can operate round the clock. Curfew from 10 PM to 6 AM.

Both inter and intra district transportation will keep on working at capacity, but no standing passengers allowed. COVID appropriate behavior and vaccination details must be maintained. Schools will operate in online mode for students till class 8 in Kamrup Metro and class 5 in the other districts. Classes 9 and 10 will be offline and alternate days.

Containment zones and restrictions on events remain the same as the previous order.

- Wearing of face mask is compulsory in all public places and non-compliance of the same will attract fine.
- Non-vaccinated people shall not be allowed entry in public places/ spaces (except hospitals) from January 15. All people are required to carry proof of being fully vaccinated while visiting public places/spaces.
- The owners of public/private establishments will ensure that only those entrants who are fully vaccinated are allowed inside. Failure to do so shall attract penal action.
- Shop owners shall ensure minimum six feet distance among customers and shall not allow more than 5 persons inside the shop at any time. In addition, shop owners should compulsorily keep sanitizers and hand wash in their shops.
- Shopkeepers and customers must wear masks and maintain social distancing. Responsibility of maintenance of social distancing will be on the shop owner and failure to do so will be viewed very seriously and may lead to closure of defaulting shops.
- Industrial units and Tea gardens may function subject to observance of COVID appropriate behavior. Head of the unit/tea garden shall be responsible for ensuring social distancing, mask wearing by workers and staff, sanitization of industrial premises, thermal scanning etc.

- Any person violating the control measures and curfew times will be liable to be proceeded against as per provisions of Section 51 to 60 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005. Legal action under Sec. 188 of IPC and other legal provisions as applicable.
- Any person not wearing face mask and/ or spitting in public places shall be fined to the tune of Rs.1000 which can be imposed by District wise Task Force comprising of District Disaster Management Authority, Magistrates, Police, Enforcement wing of District Transport Officer and Enforcement wing of Guwahati Municipal Corporation in their respective jurisdictions.