Covid Counselling Centers : Assam’s Covid-19 Action Plan

Due to the rapid rise in the number of Covid 19 positive cases in the state, Government of Assam started the Covid Counselling Centers on the 27th of June. With one Covid Counselling Center in each ward of Guwahati Municipal Corporation Area , a total of 31 centers are now active.

List of Covid Counselling Centers
List of Covid Counselling Centers

Duties of Covid Counselling Centers

The following are some of the duties and services of these centers.

  • Covid Counselling : Covid – 19 pandemic and the lockdowns have caused a lot of worry among the citizens. Counselling is provided to possible positive as well as others in these centers.
  • Swab Collection : The most important task of these centers is to collect swab samples from random public. People can come to the center voluntarily . All people who come in contact with positive patients have to give samples. In case of people with mobility issues, swabs can be collected from home as well.
People giving their samples for testing
People giving their samples for testing
  • Medical Examination : The Covid Counselling Centers are also equipped for diagnosing simple medical issues. If the doctors can also transfer any patient with medical condition directly to hospitals.
  • Result Reporting : These Centers also maintain records of all the samples. Samples are sent to testing facilities and reports are received and dispensed.
  • Shifting Positive Cases to Isolation Facilities : After the reports are received, the centers also take care of shifting the positive cases to necessary hospitals. Trained staff and ambulances are allocated to each center for this purpose.
  • Disseminating information regarding Covid : Fake news and incorrect information also spreads panic. The doctors in the centers are equipped to break these myths and provide correct information.
CCC Staff in PPE kits
CCC Staff in PPE kits

Facilities at Covid Counselling Centers

All the centers are equipped with the following facilities. These enable the prevention of further spreading of Covid-19.

  • Random Testing has allowed people get themselves tested for Covid – 19. Asymptomatic patients are also detected in these testings.
  • Ambulance Facilities for transferring positive cases to isolation facility and collecting samples from old people and people with mobility issues. They can also transfer patients to medical facilities when needed.
  • Home Quarantine : The centers also have the power to home quarantine locations in case of detection of positive cases.
  • Medicines are also dispensed for various illnesses if deemed necessary by the doctors on duty.
  • Cleanliness and Disinfection are of profound importance in these facilities. It is necessary for the safety of both staff and public coming for the tests.
  • Food is also provided for everyone on duty in these centers. Breakfast and lunch is provided to all the staff while dinner is given to all the personnel who stay overnight at the center.
  • Protection Equipment like PPE kits , Masks , Gloves , Sanitizers etc. are also provided in these facilities.

Also read about the Health Minister’s visit to the centers across Guwahati.