Fresh Guidelines Issued by Assam Govt

Government of Assam on Thursday issued fresh guidelines to be followed in the state from 16th August. The order shall come into effect from 5 AM of the 16th of August and remain valid till 9:30 PM of 31st August 2020.

The guidelines are as follows.

  • All permitted activities mentioned in the earlier orders shall continued to be allowed between 5 AM and 9 PM between Monday and Friday.
  • Restriction of one side of the street is withdrawn.
  • Inter-district movement of passenger vehicles and people are allowed between Monday and Friday only. Inter-district movement of vehicles us allowed with 50% capacity.
  • City Buses are allowed subject to maintenance of all Covid-19 protocols and social distancing and with 50% capacity.
Latest Guidelines about Unlock in Assam
Latest Guidelines about Unlock in Assam
  • Public transport is allowed subject to maintenance of all Covid-19 protocols and social distancing and with 50% capacity.
  • Movement of individual shall remain strictly prohibited between 9:30 PM and 5 AM.
  • Spitting in public places, consumption of tobacco, and liquor products shall be strictly prohibited.
  • Social/ political/ sports/ entertainment/ academic/ religious functions and other large congregations numbering more than 50 persons shall remain prohibited.
  • Cinema halls, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theaters, auditoriums, assembly halls and similar places of public gathering shall remain closed.
  • No activities are allowed in Containment zones and entry and exit from such zones are strictly prohibited.
  • No movement of individuals shall be allowed on Saturday and Sunday at any time all over the state.
  • Persons above 65 years of age and children below the age of 10 years are advised to stay indoors except for unavoidable health reasons.
  • Wearing of face cover is compulsory on public places, in work places & public transport, etc.
  • Violation will attract a fine of Rs 1000 for the first offence.

These latest guidelines form the second part of the ongoing Unlock 3 in the state of Assam. The aim is to open up everything just like before the lockdowns, with proper safety measure .