Home Isolation Guidelines for Covid-Patients in Assam

Assam Health Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, on Saturday pointed out in a press meet that home-isolation of Covid-19 patients is not preferred by the health department. However under few conditions a Covid-19 positive patient shall be allowed to be isolated at home.

The following are the conditions under which a Covid-19 positive person can be allowed to stay in home isolation.

  • There should be no objection from the neighborhood
  • There should be no senior citizens at home. If a patient has any family member who is a senior citizen at home, he/she shall not be allowed to stay at home.
  • The patient has to be asymptomatic
  • The patient has to keep a pulse oximeter with him/her.
  • The patient should have a consulting private doctor who shall be checking the pulse oximeter measure within every 3 hours.
  • If the reading is below 95 per cent, the patient shall have to be admitted to the hospital.
  • The patient will have to use a private vehicle to commute to the hospital.

Along with these guidelines, the Health Minister also proposed for a 7 day extension of Lockdown in Guwahati. So far, 10 per cent of the city’s population has undergone Covid-19 test said the Minister.

(Feature image source: Forbes