Assam Tourism Launches new Schemes to Support the Tourism Sector

Assam Tourism Development Corporation Chairman Jayanta Malla Baruah announced these new schemes to support the people involved in the tourism sector in the state and revive the sector. It was made in a press conference held in the head office of ATDC in the presence of Vice Chairman Navadeep Kalita.

Punya Dham Scheme

This scheme was previously designed to enable elderly ladies and gentlemen of the state to visit places of religious worship across the country. It has now been upgraded to cater to local tourist destinations within the state. This will enable people to explore and learn more about the culture, food and natural heritage of our own state.

Citizens of Assam will now be able to visit places of interest within the state. ATDC is in discussion with Assam State Transport Corporation to facilitate luxury buses for these tourist circuits.

Paryatan Sanjeevani

This scheme aims to support the agencies and professionals in the tourism and allied businesses. Loans of Rs. one lakh to Rs. twenty lakhs will be disbursed to registered businesses in this sector.

Repayment of these loans will start from the second year onward. The aim is to give monetary support for a boost in the post covid scenario.

Paryatan Sarathi

A digital device will be given to on the ground workers of the tourism sector. This will help them not to book various services for the tourists, but also be updated with the latest plans and endeavors. This will also go a long way in providing safety and security to the front-line workers of this field.

Maguri Beel | Image source: wikimedia commons

Development of Maguri Beel

ATDC with the support of Oil India Limited aims to develop Maguri Beel , Baghjaan and the surrounding areas into a place of tourist interest. People will be able to go there and enjoy the natural beauty of the location.

Also a fishery project for ornamental fish will be created in the region alongside a butterfly park and orchid garden will also be created.

Apart from these schemes, a new video campaign will be carried out by Assam Tourism to tell the public about the popular destinations across the state.