Italy Bars Christmas Mass & Travel Between Regions

Much to the disappointment of the international tourists and Italians, the Italy government has banned Christmas Midnight Mass and travel between regions from 21st December to 6th January.

The decisons were taken after Italy recently recorded highest daily death toll with almost 1000 fatalities.

The Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said, “we cannot let down our guard. We must feliminate the risk of a third wave which could arruve in January-and not less serious than the first and the second.”

The government has also imposed a curfew from 10pm to 5am for the said period. Ski slopes are also closed and food outlets in some areas are allowed to operate till 6pm only for takeaways.

Junior Health Minister Sandra Zampa said that the Christmas Eve Mass should be over by 8:30pm so that people can return home before the curfew begins at 10pm.

However, there will be some exceptions people travelling for medical reasons or other emergencies.

Some regional authorities have showed disagreement on the restrictions citing that the central government took the decisions without consulting them. An official statement read, “The lack of discussion has made it impossible to balance the curbs with the needs of families.”

(Feature image source: CNN)