Tourists to Get Discounts for Visiting Uttarakhand

In a bid to boost tourist inflow to the state, the Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board has initiated an incentive-based scheme. In the Tourist Incentive Coupon (TIS) Scheme, the tourists will get attractive discounts for visiting the state.

This similar scheme has been introduced in some European countries and Japan. Reportedly, Uttarakhand will be the first state in the country to come up with such a scheme.

Tweet by the Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board

The tourists who have registered themselves under Dehradun Smart City portal will get a discount Rs 1000 or 25 per cent of the accommodation charges per day (whichever is less) subject to a maximum stay of three days. The scheme will also apply for the Char-Dham pilgrims in this season.

The scheme will be tested as a pilot project for one month as of now and further decisions will be taken depending on the results.

Initially, the scheme will be applicable in limited areas of the state. As per the discretion by Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board, the scheme will be further amended.

With the slow restart of the tourism industry in the post Covid -19 scenario, many states of the country are trying their best to attract domestic tourists. Apart from this incentive scheme from Uttarakhand, Goa has allowed tourists without tests and Rasjasthan has started a new Tourism Policy.

(Feature image source: @deepanshu_shaiv_1618)